Past Issues
Volume 44
Volume 43
Volume 42
Volume 41
Volume 40
Volume 39
This volume offers a collection on migrant workers and labor law, social media and employee access in the workplace, and Part II of a conversation on the right to strike in the ILO system.
Volume 38
This volume offers the proceedings from a conference on barriers to union organizing and on workers' right to strike.
Volume 37
This volume offers a collection of comments on David Weil's book The Fissured Workplace, a collection on Labor inspection, and a spring collection on the "Gig" Economy, as well as several book reviews.
Volume 36
This issue offers articles comparing the German Federal Labor Court and the U.S. NLRB, a comprehensive comparative study of the evolution of labor law in three Asian nations, an article exploring workers' voice in China's "Socialist Market Economy," and a collection of articles on who bears responsibility for the safety of workers down the chain of supply.
Volume 35
This volume offers timely articles on Joint Liability in Global Supply Chains, South Korean Legal Channels for Individual Employment Disputes, Law of Workplace Harassment. Second issue explores Nonhiring and Dismissal of Senior Workers, articles on Lay Judges and Labor Courts, Irregular Immigrants' Right to Backpay, as well as Laws of Illegal Work. The final issue has a special collection focusing on the European Financial Crisis and the discussion on National Labor and Employment Law Reforms.
Volume 34
This volume offers proceedings of conferences on Precarious Work and Human Rights and Public Sector Collective Bargaining and the Distortion of Democracy: Do Public Sector Unions Have "Too Much" Power, a special collection on labor law crisis, and a special collection of papers on labor and employment dispute resolution.
Volume 33
Including articles on Pension Laws in the United States and Australia; Evolution of Labor Law in New Zealand and Other Countries; "Social Dialogue" in European Professional Football; the Case of Italian Arbitration Reform; Good Faith Bargaining Down Under; Rawlsian Basis for Core Labor Rights. This volume also includes a special collection of articles on Voices at Work: Legal Effects on Organization, Representation, and Negotiation and proceedings of a conference on Freedom of Association in Private Transnational Law.
Volume 32
Including special collections of articles on Workplace Bullying; Perspectives on Labor Regulation in Africa and the African Diaspora; as well as Papers in Honor of Clyde Summers. This volume also offers articles on Flawed Freedom of Association in Brazil; Hungarian Unions; Bottom-Up Representation in Israel; Freedom of Association in Italy and Russia; and Three Perspectives on the Viking and Laval Decisions, and numerous book reviews.
Volume 31
Including special collections of articles on Migrant Workers; Self-Employed Workers; Choice of Law and Covenants Not to Compete; Objectionable Work; and articles on Practices of Australian Employers in Relation to the Use of Genetic Information together with Regulating the Use of Genetic Information in the United States. Finally, this volume also includes articles on Protecting Privacy in Labor Relations and Flexicurity as well as numerous book reviews.
Volume 30
Including articles on Corporate Social Responsibility; Finance and Labor; as well as proceedings from conferences on Labor Law in the Eastern Mediterranean and Religious Expression in the Workplace.
Volume 29
Including articles on Captive Audience Speeches, comments on the Arthurs Report Fairness at Work, and comments on the Laval case.
Volume 28
Including collections on Market Regulation and Labor Market Policies, a comment on The Regulation of Labor, Changing Dynamics in Conflict Resolution in Ireland, Articles in honor of Paul Weiler on the Crisis in Workplace Governance, Symposium Proceedings of the Symposium on "Bridging the Past and the Future," as well as Conference Proceedings from the Program in Comparative Labor and Employment Law & Policy's Conference on "Entrepreneurship: Law, Culture, and the Labor Market."
Volume 27
Including collections on Worker Protection and the Informal Sector as well as Social Protection and Decent Work: New Prospects for International Labor Standards.
Volume 26
Including articles on Labor Provisions; Universal Labor Standards and National Cultures; the Polish Labor Law; Collective Bargaining in Canada and the United States post-NAFTA; as well as the Papers from the Toronto Conference, including papers on the National Labor Relations Board in Comparative Context.
Volume 25
Includes the 25th Anniversary Edition of the Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal with articles on Comparative Labor Law and Employment Law and Policy in the Next Quarter Century.
Volume 24
Including articles on the Impact of Electronic Technology and Workplace Disputes; Monitoring International Labor Standards; and the Concept of Disability.
Volume 23
Including articles on Employment Agencies; Information Technology and Workers' Privacy; National Style in Labor Law and Social Security Scholarship; and a Symposium on Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn's At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective.
Volume 22
Including articles on Employees and Corporate Governance; Labor Regulation and Trade; and Regulation of Information in the Labor Market: What Employees May Learn About Employers.
Volume 21
Including articles on The Role and Content of the Legal Distinction between Employed and Self-Employed; Borrowing Policy; and Regulation of Information in the Labor Market: What Employers May Learn about Prospective Employees.
Volume 20
Including articles on the Portability of Collective Bargaining Law; International Studies of the National Academy of Arbitrators; and Papers on the Joint Japan-U.S.-E.U. Project on Labor Law in the Twenty-First Century.
Volume 19
Including articles on Leased Workers and the Law; as well as Employment Protection.