Issue 1

Work Regulation and Environmental Sustainability

Guest Editor: Ania Zbyszewska

Labor Law for a Warming World? Exploring the Intersections of Work Regulation and Environmental Sustainability: An Introduction
Ania Zbyszewska

Regulating Work with People and “Nature” in Mind: Feminist Reflections
Ania Zbyszewska

Embedding Work in Nature: The Anthropocene and Legal Imagination of Work as Human Activity
Supriya Routh

Labor Law and Environmental Sustainability
Paolo Tomassetti 

Workers’ Participation and Green Governance
Consuelo Chacartegui 

Promoting Social and Environmental Sustainability: What Role for Public Procurement?
Miriam Kullmann



Au-delà de l'emploi: Transformations du travail et devenir du droit du travail en Europe [Beyond Employment: Changes in Work and the Future of Labor Law in Europe]
Reviewed by Gilles Trudeau

Informal Workers and Collective Action: A Global Perspective
Reviewed by Matthew Fischer-Daly

Briefly Noted


Issue 2

Basic Income


Unconditional Basic Income and the Rejuvenation of the Welfare State
Robert van der Veen & Loek Groot

Basic Income and the Resilience of Social Democracy
Brishen Rogers

The Second-Best Road Ahead for Basic Income
José A. Noguera

Basic Income as Common Dividends: A Rejoinder
Guy Standing

Ethically Justifiable, Economically Sustainable, Politically Achievable? A Response to van der Veen & Groot, Rogers, and Noguera
Philippe Van Parijs & Yannick Vanderborght


Workers’ Participation 4.0—Digital and Global?
Thomas Klebe & Manfred Weiss

Big Brands, Big Responsibilities? An Examination of Franchisor Accountability for Employment Contraventions in the United States, Canada, and Australia
Tess Hardy

New Perspectives for Workers’ Organizations in a Changing Technological and Societal Environment
Matteo Avogaro



A Purposive Approach to Labour Law
reviewed by Cynthia Estlund

New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research
reviewed by Matthew Dimick

Briefly Noted


Issue 3

Data Mining

From Digits to Robots: The Privacy-Autonomy Nexus in New Labor Law Machinery
Frank Hendrickx

“Workforce Analytics” v Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU in the Age of Big Data
Marta Otto

Data Mining and the Challenges of Protecting Employee Privacy under U.S. Law
Pauline T. Kim

Data Analytics at Work: A View from Israel on Employee Privacy and Equality in the Age of Data-Driven Employment Management
Arianne Renan Barzilay


Hybrid Transnational Self-Regulation
Sonja Mangold



Root-Cause Regulation: Protecting Work and Workers in the Twenty-First Century
reviewed by César F. Rosado Marzán

Governance by Numbers: The Making of a Legal Model of Allegiance
reviewed by Alan Bogg