Volume 44, ISSUE 3


 Guest Editors: Valerio De Stefano, Sara J Slinn, and Eric Tucker

Between Authority and Domination: Taming the Managerial Prerogative 

Alan Bogg and Cynthia Estlund

 “Lifting the Private-Law Veil”: Employer Authority and the “Contractual-Coating” of Worker Subordination

Valerio De Stefano and Nicola Kountouris

Nothing, Yet Everything New Under the Sun: Subordination, Authority, and Transformations of the Organization Work in a Labor Law Perspective

Elena Gramano 

Political Economic Reflections on Worker Subordination and the Law in Contemporary Capitalism: Something Old, Something New and a Lot That’s Blue

Eric Tucker 



Volume 44, ISSUE 2


 The Sachem Passes

Matt Finkin and Sandy Jacoby

Comparative Labor Law in the United States and Canada Today: Interpreting Different but Stable Equilibria

Kevin Banks and Steven Willborn 

Moving Beyond Enterprise-Based Collective Bargaining: Comparing New Zealand’s Fair Pay Agreements Legislation and Australia’s Multi-Employer Bargaining Reforms

Anthony Forsyth 

Comparativism in Labor Law – A View from Israel

Tammy Katsabian and Reut Shemer Begas 

An Antipodean Approach to Comparative Labor Law Joellen

Riley Munton 


An Incentive-Compatible Enforcement Model for International Labor Law? Lessons from Qatar’s Forced Labor Case

Maayan Menashe 



Volume 44, ISSUE 1


Less than Zero? The Fragmentation of Worker Protection in UK Employment Law and the Promise of an Alternative Economy

Nicole Busby and Rebecca Zahn 

Zero Hours Work in Australia: The Challenge of Fragmented Working-Time

Iain Campbell and Joo-Cheong Tham 

Are We There Yet? Regulation on Zero Hours and Casual Work in Ireland

Juliet MacMahon and Michelle O’Sullivan 

Economic Duress in Labour Relations
Ryoko Sakuraba 

Exit, Voice, and Solidarity
Reviewed by Blandine Emilien 
Your Boss is an Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence, Platform Work and Labour
Reviewed by Tonia Novitz 